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Your safety is a top priority for us at Habitat for Humanity of Greater Palm Beach County. Please take a moment to complete this form if you have any limitations that could impact your safety while working with us. It's important to note that our construction sites may not be suitable for expectant mothers or individuals with certain disabilities or physical limitations. Your well-being is important to us, and we want to ensure a safe environment for everyone involved in our projects. Thank you for helping us maintain a secure and welcoming space for all volunteers and participants. 

If you any questions regarding these safety concerns, please contact Brittany Parish at

Do you have any physical or health limitations that would prevent you from participating in our building activites?

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Do you have any allergies? If so please list.

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Are you currently pregnant? Please note our jobsites are not suitable for expectant mothers.

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Are you able to lift over 20 lbs., bend, and stand for long periods of time?

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